I'm not quite sure why, but I felt the need to have physical business cards. In all my years working at Sun Microsystems and Microsoft about the only use I found for the boxes of business cards I received with my name and fancy titles on them, was to drop them in the free lunch drawing at Chipotle or Starbucks. Rarely did I hand them out to people who would actually have some use for them. Now that I am running my own software company (Centripetal Software) will I have more use for physical cards? I'm not too sure. At some point I'll be doing a lot more marketing, but that seems like it will be mostly online. Maybe I'll be heading out to some conferences or meeting with clients where I'll feel the need to hand over a card. Until then I'll just post a digital copy here and then tuck the box of heavy card stock, 4 color, front and back printed business cards into the drawer of my desk.

Those business cards look fantastic! Jenn ;)